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Facts and Figures
$105 million Budget
5,000 Students
52 AP Classes
Notes about Facts and Figures
It has a bit of a “mind of its own” in that--by default--it automatically sizes the boxes depending on a) how long the text is and b) the region the app is placed. If the app is in a full-width column vs. a narrow column, the boxes line themselves up differently. You can try putting your app in a wider or narrower region to see how that affects the display. See example of same exact app in various column widths.
As of June 2022, there is a new option in the app to set the Max Width for a record. This allows for creation of evenly-sized "cards." In the first example above, the max width was set at 200.
Another thing you can try is to force the text to break at certain points, so the box isn’t as wide. This is done by adding <br> wherever you want the line break to occur. If you look at the Tutoring Schedule example on this page, the subject and room numbers were entered like this in the caption field:
Mathematics<br>Room 105
That forces the box to be narrower, so that the other boxes have room to sit beside it.
Tutoring Schedule If you need help with your homework, we encourage you to get free tutoring from members of the National Honor Society, Monday-Friday from 3:00-4:00. Not available on early release days.
Monday Mathematics
Room 105 -
Tuesday Science
Room 319 -
Wednesday Social Studies
Room 180 -
Thursday English
Room 222 -
Friday Any Subject
Helpful Resources
Above, the same background color was used for all boxes, but set at 100% opacity, 80%, and 60% for a gradient look. In the green example, the titles were hidden so only the captions show, allowing for smaller text. Also in the green example, the max width was set to 150 for each record, so the boxes do not fill the entire width of the screen despite being placed in a full-width column.
Below, there is one "fact" in the Facts & Figures app, so it stretches across the page to act as a banner.
Pathway 1
Scoring proficient or advanced on each Keystone Exam** – Algebra 1, Biology and Literature.
**On November 25, 2020, Senate Bill 1216 was signed by Governor Wolf and is now Act 136. Any student who completed and earned credit, during the 2019-2020 school year, for Algebra 1, Modified Algebra 1 Part 2, Algebra 1 Part 2, Biology, Modified Biology, 10th Grade English or Modified 10th Grade English, is not be required to take the keystone exam related to that course and shall be deemed proficient and will not be required to retest.